
'Verzamelen Zocalo!'

Long-term trajectory with actions, events, happenings,... in the village Muizen, 2022-2024

Together with Stijn Van Dorpe, for collective Para-instituut voor KUNST en precariteit 

Within a research by Vlaamse Bouwmeester, coordinated by TAAK, with Stad Mechelen en Kunstencel Vlaamse Gemeenschap

We develop a trajectory in and with villagers of Muizen (nearby the city of Mechelen in Belgium). We look at mechanisms of democracy within the village, how living together is organised and ways in which inhabitants can have their say. The traject aims to create shared spaces where differences (in many ways) are welcomed.

On Saturday 22nd of 2024 we organized Verzamelen Zocalo!, in which a script for/from/with Muizen was presented. The day existed out of 5 parts, each starting from a question that came up while we got to know many people and dynamics in the village.

To follow the project, you can find more details on the pKp-blog: Para-instituut voor KUNST en precariteit

In April 2023 we started with a 24 hours Camping Zocalo on the square next to 'het dorpshuis', which is called Zocalo because it is a heightened space that can be used as a pedestal. During those 24 hours we had a full program made with inhabitants about Muizen and the square Zocalo. Connecting the history and future while being fully present on the square by spending time on it, 'feeling' it, instead of talking about it in a meeting-room.

In December 2023 we organized a day of 'taartgesprekken' or 'cake conversations' with the oldest group of primary school De Bel. Inspired by a local baker we created special decorations for homemade cakes. First we had conversations with the children about social gatherings in the village, their relationships with neighbors and the question 'who takes care for whom?'. From these talks every child chose 1 word important to them to add to the cake. For example: a taxi for ill people, a touch zoo with 1000 cats,...

Also in December 2023 we organised together with the organisation Muizen Nodigt Uit the 'Geruchtenbingo' or 'rumour bingo'. This time you didn't have to collect numbers to win the bingo, but instead we played with a combination of local rumours and some real ideas for the village coming forth of the research Leefbuurt: Muizen. For example: we heard the rumour there will come a social restaurant. The prices were also very special: artworks made by local artists

Anne Mariën, Annie Bauweleers, Berit Van den Bussche, Eva De Coninck, Inge Roggeman en Wilfried De Cock. 

All mailboxes from Muizen received papers with stickers in March 2024 and June 2024, the last edition came on 22nd of June on the day of Verzamelen Zocalo! To see all the papers have a look on the website from Para Instituut voor KUNST en precariteit.

In preparation for the event Verzamelen Zocalo! we organized several days of making giant puppets, ceramic cups and T-shirts together, in collaboration with Elena Vloeberghen, Clementine Vaultier and Freek Willems.

These are some photo's from 22nd of June, made by Tomas Uyttendaele. They are just grasping a little bit of that day, it was very special, thank you to everyone present and participating!

A new flagpole was placed on the square, several times a year new flags will be raised by inhabitants of Muizen. On the longest Saturday of the year a flag with an urgent question around the community will be raised with a conversation about it. In the other seasons artists from the village will create a work or design for the flag. 

On September 22 in 2024 a first question came up: Does the voice from Muizen reaches the main square (of Mechelen)? + we signed contracts with Dorpsraad Muizen and more inhabitants for the transmission of Verzamelen Zocalo!

On January 11 in 2025 a first artwork-flag made by Annie Bauweleers was inaugurated.